Heroes For Children

Brooke (cancer survivor and Grand Marshall)
and 'Belle' heading to the pace car to start the race

Maggie, the co-founders daughter getting ready to launch a balloon in honor of her sister Allie who passed away from cancer

Brooke, Grand Marshall of the 5k

Balloon launch in honor of all the children Heroes for Children has helped over the last year. The red balloon is launch in honor of the co-founders daughters who passed away from cancer.

Brooke and 'Belle'

Brooke trying to stay dry before the race

I am just now getting around to posting some of these pictures on my blog. On September 12th, Heroes for Children held a 5k to raise funds for families who have a child battling cancer. I've been privileged to be able to be on the PR/Marketing Committee for the 5k for the last few years. I can't even express what a wonderful organization this is and how much they do for these sweet families who have a sick child.

I encourage everyone to support them in any way possible. You can find more information at Heroes For Children.

Little Mermaid

Sweet Family

I had the privilege to have a session with Tracey and her family. I can't begin to say what a sweet family this is! I loved being out at the Arboretum with them, watching the kids play, explore the story book houses, and play in the pumpkins.

Pumpkins Pumpkins and More pumpkins

This is my favorite time of year.... I love the change of weather, the crispness in the air, the fall colors, decorations, excitement, comfort foods, and of course the pumpkins! Here are a couple of pictures taken out at the Arboretum. Such a fun place to go, especially in the Fall.